Frequency, format & venue

Frequency, format & venue

les pensières

The FEH is held approximately every 18 months at Fondation Mérieux’s Conference Centre “Les Pensières”, a facility equipped with 55 individual guest rooms.

Each session is hosted by a moderator and presenters who set the stage for that session’s topic. Participants, who all are “qualified” in accordance with the FEH’s status requirements, spur the debates and generate new ideas.

“Espace Rendez-vous” sessions have been set up for participants to make optimal use of time to develop deeper contacts with individual attendees and international organisations for discussions on current humanitarian issues of common concern.

Documentation and selected bibliography related to the topic to be discussed are distributed to attendees ahead of time.

French is the working language. However, English translation services can be provided depending on the needs of the speakers and the guests.